Your mobility aid is about a lot more than simply getting you from A to B. We believe that no scooter is complete without a bit of customisation, whether for convenience or style. To this end, we offer a wide range of handy, top of the range and suitably wacky mobility scooter accessories to complement or enhance your lifestyle.

We’ve made a conscious effort to provide add-ons that are a perfect fit for almost any shape and size of scooter so that you never feel limited whether you’re using a small Class 2 carriage or one of the upgraded, superfast machines available through Wild & Wacky. All of our mobility scooter accessories are designed to make you as comfortable as possible, all the while injecting an element of personality into your day-to-day life.

Stay out of the rain

Nobody likes getting caught unawares in bad weather, but the inconvenience is even worse when you’re using a mobility scooter. Having a robust and ready-to-use canopy on hand to weather-proof your vehicle can be a lifesaver.

We provide canopies so quick and easy to set up, you’ll barely even feel a drop of rain on your skin before you find yourself fully covered and weather-proofed, ready to continue going about your day.